Thursday, August 21, 2008

What would Hartford be without politics?

It is that time again and I am once again in limbo as the school year begins.  I don't have a classroom, then I do have a classroom, then again classroom. So with no classroom and no supervisor designated to me I have no one to go to about the lack of room.  Um, not so much. With students reporting to school on Monday I guess I will be unpacking as the kids arrive.....that is if I have a room!

So, on it goes, and the school year commences. I will update you all as I find out. But since I don't know, you can't either!

Love you and miss you all,


Wieselwoman said...

Well, i guess you could go on permanent field trip and call it a "mobile classroom" Then you could come out to Cali for a visit!

Anonymous said...

Well said.