Sunday, August 31, 2008

And again it is Fall..

SHIT!! I can't believe it's September!
No really big news in my parts, but I do have an interview hopefully this Wednesday.
There were a couple small Marketing and Ad agencies that would be adding offices in  Portland this Fall that were written up in the front page of the Oregonian last Sunday, so naturally I contacted ALL of them. One of the President's wrote back and said he would have the manager of the portland office contact me for a meeting this week... the manager finally wrote me, and we are still writing back and forth, but I think we are going to be meeting mid week. Woo hoooo! I would love to be at a small, young and trendy agency... I'll let ya know.

On some other news, Ali Grise is going to more to Portland to look for a job, and to live. I think the two of us are going to look for any sort of small house/ duplex/ apartment that is dog friendly ( because we both have pups), that is downtown in a good area, and that is really cheap. I would love to live with her in the city because then i wouldn't be so alone right off the bat. She is also new to the city so we could both go out, and discover it together. On the other hand, if we don't find anything perfect, ill hold it out here and wait for my friend, Sarah's apartment like I was going to. (It's just hard because it could be ready in one month, it could be in one year!)

(Just for fun) A few things im obsesed with right now....

(Mint galactic coconut bliss-- thanks to brie)

Dapne Willis & Co. 
(songs: my shoes, live for now, tell me, and more. SO good)

Frye Ava Button Boots....ohh only maybe$348!! haha when i get bored at night i search for great boots!

Vinyasa Yoga!! Finally I found some exercise that I enjoy!!

BIG boy!!! hahaha still sleeping in my bed every night!

I really love you guys!! What are some things you are all in to right now?? (besides work)

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