Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 15

I apologize in advance, but I did not get a chance to take a belly shot yet this week. I will try to take one tomorrow and get it added to this post......don't yell....please.....

How far along: 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: none! I had lost weight initially and have only just barely made it back up to pre-pg weight. So a total of nada!

Maternity clothes: Yup, pants at least. I just couldn't make it through the day in regular pants anymore.

Stretch marks: Nope....

Sleep: Getting a little better. Still waking up super early but better than no sleep at all.

Best moment this week: Getting to tell a number of our friends who we had been waiting to see in person to tell them. Lots of fun!

Movement: nope, not yet. Still too soon.

Food Cravings: Bagel with Cream Cheese, Peanut butter and Jelly

Food Aversions: Anything that doesn't sound good the second time. :-) This hasn't changed

Gender: Still no thoughts on this...although Liz is convinced it is a are a number of our friends

Belly Button: still in...hoping it stays that way for a long time.

What I miss: my clothes....I am starting to run thin on shirts now too! They aren't long enough.

What I am looking forward to: Regularly scheduled Dr's appointment....should get to see the little orange!

Weekly Wisdom: drink, drink, drink.....lots.....its harder than you think when less than 8oz makes you feel like you just ate Turkey Day Dinner!

Milestones: Welcome to the fourth month!

So on another not so fun note, I have been diagnosed with hypermesis...which basically is super ridiculously overactive morning (read:all day) sickness. Instead of the morning sickness getting better towards the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second, mine got worse. That is why I ended up at the dr on Thursday. I was getting sick almost every time that I ate or drank ANYTHING. That didn't make for very good nutrition or energy......and....... it resulted in severe dehydration. I was given a prescription to take for a week to try to see if it helps things settle down. I will find out this Thursday when I go back. It seems to have at least worked a little. I have held down more of my food overall. I am hoping it has helped with the dehydration as well because if I am dehydrated again when I go in on Thursday, she is going to send me to the hospital for an IV. Boo. Not on my list of things to do this week....or all......

So, keep the good thoughts coming our way!

Love you guys!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 14

Yup, that is right. We have officially made it to the second Trimester.....and baby is ONLY the size of a:
Below is the typical "belly shot" but you guys get a bonus this week. This was last Thursday 11/5 (Da's bday!!) when I was guest teaching a course at Saint Joseph College.

This is 13weeks4days

How far along: 14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Dunno...we don't own a scale and I haven't been to the doctor since last update.

Maternity clothes: Went shopping with mom last weekend. We found some good sweaters etc for school and a few pairs of pants. Mostly they are too big yet, but we went to a second hand shop that had a good pick so I grabbed em up for later!

Stretch marks: Nope....

Sleep: Is not my friend...however, I did borrow a body pillow from my bestest friend in the world, Liz. That has helped.....she really is the bestest!

Best moment this week: Telling some of my students. They are sooooo funny. One of them dropped all of his books and his backpack and ran a circle around the classroom! Too funny. Another student asked if she can name the baby....uuuuum yeah lemme think on that one for a second.....nope!

Movement: nope, not yet. Still too soon.

Food Cravings: Not really. Although the desire for food has gotten a bit's just the keeping it down part that is not going so well!

Food Aversions: Anything that doesn't sound good the second time. :-)

Gender: Still no thoughts on this...although Liz is convinced it is a girl.....

Belly Button: still in...hoping it stays that way for a long time.

What I miss: liking food....not getting sick in the morning....or for that matter any time of sisters.... (although I get to see them soon!!!) and last but not least having clothes that fit!

What I am looking forward to: This week? I have a hair appointment on Thursday....haven't had my hair cut since August....oops!

Weekly Wisdom: not having to hide the whole pregnant thing is such a relief!

Milestones: Told my job. Well, at least I told the principal so I don't have to worry about if people find out.

That's all for this week! Talk soon!

