Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Home for a New Year

It is official!! Last night Ali and I moved in all of our boxes in to the house last night, and have been painting our rooms for what seems like years. It is so hard to do! I am going for a whole peacock theme, and painted the ceiling and two walls a bright blue/periwinkle, and then the other two walls a shiny white called "frosting". Im hoping to get some really amazing peacock feathers or peacock bed linens or even a duvet cover or something eventually, but Im sure it will take forever to get fully furnished and all. Let me know if you creative ladies have any good ideas for me, okay? I have some pictures that I will post when i get home, however im at work right now so I don't have them on this computer. Thats one of the best parts about the additional retail job I am at... it is such a small boutique that I can basically be online all day, or read, in between when customers come in.

It's been a little bit of a rough week... i'm working 49 hours between the two jobs! That's kind of a nice little jump start so that I can stock the house with all of the necessary move in things like cleaning supplies and all those basic cooking needs that can be so annoying. The bad side of it is that I've gotten a KILLER cold! I will say though, that since learning about the netti pot, and about not having sugar or dairy when sick, and some other little tricks like that, that for the first time in forever my cold is not turning in to a sinus infection wooo hooo!! Okay, on to more interesting things...

Ally Will is coming back to the area from college for a little weekend visit, so maybe ill get to see her this weekend, but mostly I will be spending my day off sat moving more stuff in and painting and having fun with the new roomies!! My other roomate's name is Kate and she is from the bay area and is arriving Sunday! Ill add photos of us all as they come!

Love you and can not wait to hear what is new with you both. You havent blogged in awhile Jeje... youre turn!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. everyone start posting some good new recipes for turkey day!

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