Monday, September 8, 2008

Gobbble Gobble.....

WAHOOOO!! I fly in monday night the 24th @ 9:49, and stay until 7 am tuesday the 2nd. YEAH!!!!! Turkey with Tim and LExi and Mom! Cool! I can't wait to play in the leaves. Wish I could bring Pooka. Can we all drive down to NJ together for sat and sun? Or something like that.

So Saturday Tony and I drove up to SF for Power to the Peaceful, which is a festival in Golden Gate park that started two weeks after 9/11 and has been held every year since. Micheal Franti of SPearhead started it, and it is a free music festival to raise consciousness around pro-peace, anti-war/bush/etc community. It started out as 4-5000 people in the park, and this year, it was 50, 000. It was insane! I ran into a few women who used to live in Santa Cruz but moved to LA, and it was great to re-connect. It was super sunny and hot, which is rare for summer in the city. It is usually foggy and cold until fall. I never even saw the stage thru the crowd, but we had fun anyway, and after the show, Tony and a few of our guys friends played drums and people danced on the grass. Then we went shoe shopping (a favorite passtime/weakness of both of ours.) He usually gets white sneakers of some sort. I was looking for flat or short heal leather boots for fall, but wound up finding some wine-red saucony tennies on sale for 25$. : 0
Then we cruised home and hung out with our friends Andrea and Alsene, who live in Eugene, and were down for the weekend so Alsene could teach dance class. She lived with him in Guinea for 7 years and is the only american I know who speaks fluent Sousou. Sunday he taught a great class and we all took turns dancing in the circle after, and then walked across the street to the natural market and ate lunch together. Pooka came to class to, and sat patiently outside the door to class until the drums stopped and tyhen ran inside to find me, and to run around saying "hi" to all of our friends that she knows. She is such a social butterfly!!

Can't wait to see you guys-- can we go for a fall hike together? xoxoxoxo brie brie

1 comment:

Wieselwoman said...

Woooohooo!!! I am SOOOOOO excited! This should be so much fun! I can't wait for you guys to be here. Also, I totally wanted to go up Hublein this fall and take pictures so maybe we can try to get some Wieselwomen pictures at the top with the views??

Seriously cannot wait!