Holy Moly!! It has been a loooooong time since I posted. Sorry ya'all I have been soooo super busy. Let me see if I can give you guys a run down of everything going on without being boring. Here goes:
1. School i kicking my booty!!! Things are not much better at school they just keep getting more and more crazy but I just don't have the patience to type about it all so I will give you guys an update on the whole thing when you come here in a few weeks. I get all aggravated even typing about it.
2. Classes are going well they are a lot of work but they are going well overall and I am pretty much enjoying them. The reading interventions course I am taking is not quite my style content wise but I like the professor and I am supplementing by doing a different project so all is good.
3. We went on our annual camping trip to the White mountains. I was so sad that we didn't get to go last year. It was just too close to the wedding to make any sense for us to go away. I loved getting back up there this year. We didn't bring a camera so we used our friend Will's camera all weekend but I haven't gotten them from him yet. I think they are up on Facebook but I will post them when I get a chance. The photos above were taken on my phone.
I'm gonna put in some separate posts one for our anniversary and then I'll add some other Thanksgiving stuff as we get closer but I have also added some pictures of us at the Pickin Patch with little Nate who isn't so little anymore!! He calls me Auntie Leki (no not a misspell) and Uncle Tim and he says "I love you" and gives kisses and squeezes (hugs) he is just soooo cute!!
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