On another note, we finally gave in and got Kida a "puppy cut." He made it through the summer just fine until the past few weeks. Lately it has just been soooo humid that Kida has been lethargic and mopey. Tim and I took him up to the Granby Dog Park to meet up with mom and her dog and had a wonderful time. Another friend of ours(someone I teach with who lives up that way) brought his dog down and we took them to the stream/river out back of the park. It was up in Salmon Brook park in Granby, and the water was great. After a wonderful afternoon at the park, Tim and I attempted to brush and bathe Kida. We did just fine until we realized that he had decided to shed ALL of his undercoat at the same time and it was all matted. Off Kida went to the groomer and we gave into the Puppy Coat. Here is the before and after!


He is loving his new cut and is just so darn cute!!
I have been back at school now for two weeks, and the year is going. I am not going to put an adjective on that but I'll just say smooth as it was, it has not been the best school year start thus far. I don't even know where to start telling you all about it so I might just leave it up to you imagination and hope things get better!
I also went back to classes this week and although I am enjoying them so far, I have a feeling it is going to be a busy fall. One of the courses is called Managing Anti-Social behaviors and will hopefully give me some new ideas for handling my tougher kids, and the other is Reading Interventions in the Inclusive Classroom which should be REALLY good for me since reading instruction in the mainstream classroom tends to be my weaker area. The professors for these classes are both professors I have had before and I love their styles so I look forward to the semester as demanding as it may be.
I also look forward to the possibility of a sister's reunion??!?!?! Mia, holy crap! How did you possibly get a flight that cheap??? I wish I was finding flights like that when I tried to come out west!!! I cannot wait to see you both! Looks like Thanksgiving at my house this year! YEAH!!
Love you guys,
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