Ok, if ya don't know what that means, you must go to Youtube and watch Demetri Martin...Mia turned me on to him....he is jst so darn funny!!!! OH my gosh.
ANyway, this weekend is mellow yellow. We were supposed to go to Dunun village to drm and dance and camp and play in the river all weekend, but, Tony started school last week spontaneosly and art school is pretty intense. He is majoring in industrial design, so, lots of drawing. SO, the I ching reccomended that we stay home. Never doubt the i ching.
Yesterday we went to the art store here and slowly sorted thru his materials list for his classes. WOW! I just love art stores. Not that i know exactly what i would do with most of the stuff in them, but i just have to resist this overwhelming urge to grab everything and start squishing paint out of tubes and testing every pen or colored pencil. Art stores must be the most optomistic place on earth....i mean, all that blank paper, all that possibility.....anything could happen! (um...deep thought by brie)
Last night I went to a hip hop performance that was a memorial for a teacher of mine who passed away laast year from meningitis as a complication of HIV, and the benefit was for the santa crz AIDS project. The performance was so amazing....maybe there will be clips on line, but you should look up Gary Kendall. You may know his choreaography if you ever saw the Jabbawockies dance on whatever that dance show is on MTV. They wear masks. Pretty bad ass.
I haven't danced with Gary in years, but it was sch a blast to see his old coreography revisited on stage last night and to recognize and remember doing some of them with him years ago.
Here are some pics..... love you!!