Let me play this out for you, the phone calls between the family members tend to sound like this:
Me: Hi! I miss you and just wanted to check in.
Family Member: Oh! Hi! So glad you called. What's new
Me: uuuuuh well work, (fill in most recent work story here)
Family Member: Oh well that is interesting.
Me: Yeah so that's about all new with me. How about you guys?
Family Member: (Fill in family update here)
Me: Oh I miss you guys so much! Ok so we should (fill in travel ideas/plans here)
Family Member: Yup, that sounds good!
Me: Ok love you, miss you, talk to you soon!
Family Member: Love you and miss you too!
Me: Oh crap I totally forgot to tell them about (fill in important reason for phone call here) :-(
So, on that note, the Wieselwomen (read as: Brie, Lexi and Mia) decided to join the cheese revolution....I mean technology revolution.....and start a Wieselwomen blog. We will post all the up and coming events and the current happenings. We promise to try to update at least once a week but if we don't I am sure you all will remind us!
With each of us in different places and stages of our lives we want to be able to keep up with each other and all of you too! We'll do our best to keep it interesting!
And off we go, on The Adventures of the Wieselwomen!
1 comment:
Hi Ladies
Hello from disgustingly wet London and your Cousin Ann and family. Leo
sent me the link to your site as I was nagging him for photos, glad to see you all seem as crazy about dogs as we are - and haven't you all grown up!!!
Love and hugs from far away,
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