I can't wait to see the betty boop pics mia....get those up here soon, ok? It has finally started raining here, thank goodness--the earth has been so dry after all those fires this summer. It smells wonderful. It rained promptly on time for halloween last night, so that the downtown streets were wet and i thought all my stilting friends were nuts! The crowds were small this year due to the wet weather, but it was warm and still fun to run around. Below are some pics. I was a day of the dead character.
LAst weekend i went to a blessing way for my friend Heather who in two weeks or so will have a new baby. It was sweet, we strung beads we had brought for her to take to the birth, bathed and rubbed her feet, had a little ceremony, and henna-ed her belly. She is so cute and big!
I have a bpot of black bean and chix sausage soup on the stove, warming the house. The rain is falling outside the window and all the plants on the deck are slick with water....so beautiful and cozy.....i wanted to take poor pooka on a walk today, but it is really coming down out there! The one place i have taken her this week is to Age's house for drum class. She loves it! She sits right in front of the skin of the drum when you are trying to play and smiles. It is 4 of us women and Age teaches it, and it is so much fun.
Ok girls, i love you both so much and i am looking forward to hanging out with you like you wouldn't believe! LEt's conference call about the menu soon, no?